Car Chats and Proggy mats

Cars chat As a ‘car man’ I find myself having conversations with people about my time in motor sport or at Rolls-Royce and Bentley Cars and wondered whether folks out there would like me to start a Cars Chat Group? If so, tell someone at the cafe and...

Get Togethers

There’s nothing better than a get together with like-minded people, our Knit and Natter group proves that! People have asked if we could get a Book Group started and there’s plenty of tools and materials to get an Arts and Crafts Group going, they both...

Russian New Year Evening

On the evening of Friday 7th January we’re having a Russian New Year celebration at The Old Saw Mill; food, drinks and music for all. Our resident pianist Aida is part of a band that are going to provide the entertainment for the evening. Marina, our resident...

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

To all our customers past and present, thank you for your support and encouragement since we reopened on the 17th May! As we write this newsletter we’re working hard to serve nearly 100 Christmas lunches to people in need on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Have...