New Lights at the Old Saw Mill

Everyone at the Old Saw Mill are delighted to have new lights installed in our large meeting room, thanks to local company Eric Charlesworth Electrical (Contractors) Limited. It has made a huge difference to the room and the lights look so much better than the old...

Lottery Fund Success

We applied to the Lottery Fund for support, for the Old Saw Mill Lunch Club to keep the cost to our customers the same and have been granted £10,000 which of course is fabulous news for the project. Remember if you know anyone who ought to be receiving the meals put...

Heating Bills

Topical subject to us all I know, but as you’d guess it’s a huge issue at the Saw Mill because there’s no gas connected here. Pre Covid we were paying about £270 per month; we’ve just been informed that our new monthly payment is £1996: admittedly,...

We’re a Warm Place

Already there are people we know struggling with costs so we want to make sure our community knows the Saw Mill is a welcoming place that we’ll try to keep warm; to welcome people who just want to come and avoid their own fuel bills for a few hours. We might...

Cost of Living Crisis

Pre Covid, we paid 13p per kWh for electricity here, we’ve heard that’s going to be 65.143p from 9th September. You’ll remember we’ve no gas here so it’s all electricity except oil heating upstairs.   We’re hearing mutterings from...

We were in the Chronicle

We’ve had several people stop to say how they appreciated the article in the Chronicle of 11th August about the Old Saw Mill. We’re working to do more articles about our unfolding challenges and our response to them, courtesy of the Chronicle. The...