Christmas Lunch.

Christmas Lunch comes in 3 forms at The Old Saw Mill this year: On Christmas Day we’ll serve Christmas Lunch to those who would otherwise be on their own, price £12 but as previous years’ sponsorship for the lunches could happen and reduce the price on the day. The...

Home cooked meals!

As the cold weather begins to creep in our café and upstairs kitchen have been cooking up a storm of their own to keep you warm at Lunchtime here at The Old Saw Mill. It’s not only our specials that are going down a treat, but our Lunch club service is still...

October Friday Club menu

Friday 1st October Chicken and mushroom Pie with mashed potatoes and green beans. Mushroom pie with mashed potatoes and green beans. Carrot cupcakes with a cream cheese frosting Friday 8th October Beef enchiladas with sweetcorn and savoury rice. Vegetable enchiladas...

September Friday meals

Friday 3rd Sept Pork stroganoff with rice and green beans. Or Mushroom stroganoff. Bakewell tart traybake Friday 10th Sept Beef lasagne, garlic bread and sweet corn. Or Vegetable lasagne. chocolate cake filled with fresh whipped cream Friday 18th Sept Roast chicken...

Meals on Wheels

Our delivery of chilled meals to socially isolated folks around the town continues very successfully. As work for the Town Council staff has returned to normal they are no longer able to delivery the meals but a growing army of volunteers is making sure the food gets...

Opening Times

As we reported last month we’ve been really struggling with skilled staff meaning we really faced having to close on Mondays during August. In the event we only closed on one Monday and now we’re confident we can open 6 days per week, Monday...