Christmas Meals

Christmas Meals

The café was busier than ever during December, more than 300 people enjoyed Christmas meals either at the café or in their own homes with 100+ OSM Lunch Club meals delivered on the Friday before Christmas. And we served 30+ meals on Christmas Day and put some...
Santa was at the Old Saw Mill

Santa was at the Old Saw Mill

Thank you to the Lions for persuading Santa to come and visit us on the 23rd. It was great to see the joy in all the children’s faces, who all left with a small gift from Santa and the Old Saw Mill. A lovely start to the Christmas break. Special thanks again to...

Christmas Lunches:

In full swing: do book for Christmas Lunch if you want to join us, price £15. We wll deliver chilled Christmas Lunch to our usual Old Saw Mill Lunch Club members on Friday 23rd and of course our now traditional Christmas Lunch at midday on Christmas day to anyone on...