A Belting Beltane celebration at the Old Saw Mill

The Earth’s awakening from Spring to Summer will be the theme celebrated at the Old Saw Mill on Friday May 17th in a tribute to the old Celtic festival of Beltane.

The name Beltane means bright fire and was the time of year when cattle were driven out to the summer pastures and rituals performed to protect livestock, family and crops. Special bonfires were lit, maypoles erected and houses were decorated in spring flowers and greenery.

Join the OSM team for an evening of fun and merriment starting with a Belting Beltane beverage on arrival, followed by a delicious seasonal meal. The evening will continue with a short introduction about the tradition, then an Open Mic session for all poets, storytellers, musicians or whatever energises you. Bring along your own work to read out or that of your favourite author.

Beltane is all about growth and vibrancy, so dress up if you can. Flowered headdresses, garlanded costumes and interpretations of the Green Man are encouraged, and a prize will be given for the most colourful or elemental. Or you could try your hand at the “green” quiz for a chance to win some Old Saw Mill goodies.

This themed evening is sure to be a sell-out so booking is essential. Please phone the OSM on 01260 277658 to reserve your place, stating any dietary requirements. Doors open at 6.30, meal at 7pm.  £18 for non-members, £15 for members.