Brain Gym News

Our next ‘Gym’ session will be on Tuesday 10th May 3:30pm-4:30pm. Why not come along for some ‘brain exercise’ and also bring along a brain teaser of your own for us to solve. Two to keep you going… “A man pushes his car to a hotel and tells the owner he’s bankrupt...

Annual Meeting 2022

Our Annual Meeting will be held on Friday 20th May at 4:30pm in the OSM. Everyone is invited to attend and contribute to the meeting, but only shareholders will be able to vote and elect members, and others, of the management board. We will report on what we have been...

St George’s Night

Following on from our previous Friday night events we are delighted to announce that… St George’s night will be Friday April 22nd . The evening will follow the usual format of arriving 6:30pm for 7pm, followed by a main and a pud and then the usual sing-alongs,...