
Future diary dates for you: the West Kingston group have been rehearsing long and hard to be ready to put on a one act play in the cafe about a woman struggling with social isolation during Covid. If that sounds a bit heavy then we’re told the play including...

Meals on Wheels

Our delivery of chilled meals to socially isolated folks around the town continues very successfully. As work for the Town Council staff has returned to normal they are no longer able to delivery the meals but a growing army of volunteers is making sure the food gets...

Opening Times

As we reported last month we’ve been really struggling with skilled staff meaning we really faced having to close on Mondays during August. In the event we only closed on one Monday and now we’re confident we can open 6 days per week, Monday...

August Friday Club menu

Lunch club – August meals 6th August Lamb casserole with mashed potatoes white cabbage and carrots Stuffed aubergine with mashed potatoes cabbage and carrots Peach and raspberry tray bake and custard 13th August Spanish chicken and chorizo stew with vegetable...

Twang Tastic

Twang Tastic Paul Adby, of U3A and Spy Shadows fame, has built up a great following for his ‘Paul Adby – Music from the Twangtastic 50’s and 60s’ Facebook Live events. Lots of his 2,000 followers listen into his and Jeannie’s weekly...