Happy New Year!!

It was back to normal for Christmas Day lunch at the Mill in 2021! Having asked everyone who planned to lunch with us to make sure they’d had a lateral flow test, 34 of us enjoyed lunch on Christmas Day. A big thank you to everyone who came for lunch, volunteers who prepared and served lunch and of course a big thank you to the local businesses who sponsored the lunch – Plus Dane, Gladman Developments and Chris Beech of Chrisehitzonecongleton.com and the many individual donations from café customers – thank you to everyone.

Alongside Christmas Lunch in the café, we also delivered Christmas Meals to around 88 people in their homes on Christmas eve, Thanks to our Meals on Wheels service and volunteers. Thank you again for all of the kind donations and for the time that our volunteers dedicate to helping ensure those in their community, had a loved and special Christmas.