We are currently going through a process of determining if it will be feasible to open the café for customers after the 4th July. We are using a Food Standards Agency checklist to identify any changes we need to make in either the cooking of food or how that food is to be served to our customers. Also, we are reviewing the layout of the building and identifying how we can implement the 2-metre distancing rule to protect our staff and customers.

All the above is necessary and within our control, however the burning question is whether we will have any customers? Without customers the café will not survive and we want to know from those that read the newsletter and look at blogs on our website, whether they are likely to  feel confident come the 4th July to visit our café.

Our decision to open the café will be based on whether the café can be adapted to meet the regulation and whether anybody is likely to visit us. We know that many are missing the café, but that does not mean that for health and wellbeing reasons that they will visit us.

Therefore, we would be very grateful if you could contact us with your views by either commenting or writing a blog on the website or emailing us at info@theoldsawmill.org.